April 2022 Project Update

Tip of the Month

Using Agreement's Email Catcher Feature

Agreements has a unique feature known as Email Catcher. It allows emails to be directly logged into the Agreement record by sending them to ramp-agmcatcher@fsu.edu and including the Agreement ID in the subject line.

There are two pieces of critical information that must be contained in the email for the email to be properly routed to the correct Agreement record.

  1. The email must be addressed to ramp-agmcatcher@fsu.edu either in the "To" line or the "Cc" line.
  2. The Agreement ID must be entered at the beginning of the "Subject" line and must have a (space) after the last character in the Agreement ID.

It is highly recommended that you copy the Agreement/Amendment ID from the workspace and paste it at the beginning of the subject line of the email and enter a (space) after the last character in the Agreement ID.

NOTE: Typing in the ID can result in entering to many/too few zeros or other typos.


Did you attend training last year and would like a quick refresher? Are you new to using RAMP? Training is available upon request via Zoom. Just email RAMP support at RAMP-Grants@fsu.edu. We are dedicated to supporting your efforts to learn and use this robust new system! Individuals or teams are welcome.

RAMP Guidance and training materials are available at RAMP, then proceed to the appropriate module. In addition to the materials noted on the training page and within RAMP, Virtual “Office Hours” are available upon request. The training team will be available for direct software assistance using Zoom screen-share functionality so you can work on any issues you may have encountered creating your proposals. For assistance, please email RAMP-Grants@fsu.edu.

RAMP Activities

RAMP Grants has now passed 3,000 Funding Proposals.

RAMP Website: Visit RAMP for updated Known Issues, FAQ’s and features, such as the Quick Reference tab that provides guidance on getting started in RAMP. We have just completed the COI integration and the new RAMP version 10.0. The upgrade information is available at RAMP Upgrade. We are in the process of adding a new section called New to RAMP, which will be a step-by-step guide for those that are new to RAMP or FSU. This will be available in early to mid- March.

Sponsored Guest Access

Sponsored Guest Access is available in RAMP. Please visit Sponsored-guest for information if there is a need for someone outside FSU to have limited access to RAMP.

For questions regarding Export Controls, please contact:
Diana Key, Director of Research Compliance and RAMP Export Control functional lead, at dkey@fsu.edu

All other questions regarding RAMP Support should be directed to:
Dan Mullins, RAMP Support Director, at dmullins2@fsu.edu
Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration & Finance, at kpeluso@fsu.edu