Sponsored Guest Access process


To provide non-FSU individuals with guest access to RAMP.     

Required Approval

The Sponsored Guest Access request must be approved by Department Chair, Associate Dean or designee prior to being submitted to RAMP Support as detailed below.


All requests for a Sponsored Guest must be submitted to the RAMP-Grants@fsu.edu mailbox with the subject: Sponsored Guest Access Request.

The request should contain the following:

  1. Guest’s name and Guest’s external email address of fewer than 30 characters (will be used as FSUID)
  2. FSU Requestor’s name, department and title. (If this individual is not submitting request, they should be cc’d on request.).
  3. The request should also include a very brief description as to the need for the access (ie: to access IRB protocol when FSU acting as IRB, etc.)
  4. The approval of the Associate Dean, Department Chair or designee. (This can be submitted as an attached email approval or they can be cc’d on the email and respond with an “I approve”.  The request will not be processed without this approval.)

Once the request has been received, the RAMP Support Director will create the Sponsored Guest Access request in OMNI.  The Guest will then receive an email with a link to provide the required information: NAME, HOME ADDRESS COUNTRY, EMAIL ADDRESS CONFIRMATION, DATE OF BIRTH, GENDER and PASSWORD CREATION.

Upon receipt of information from the Guest, the RAMP Support Director will create the account in RAMP and notify the Guest and Requestor that the access is now active.

This process can typically occur within 1-3 days but is dependent upon the Guest providing their information in a timely manner. It is recommended, when possible, to request access approximately two weeks prior to need.

Last Updated: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 5:40 PM