
February 2019 Project Update

The RAMP ACUC module has launched. Researchers and administrators can now develop and submit Animal Use Protocols in the system to take advantage of the electronic submission and review process. Read the announcement to find out more about how to use RAMP.

January 2019 Project Update

The ACUC module is almost finalized and it is scheduled to go-live on January 31, 2019. We are thrilled to launch the first module within RAMP as we progress along the path to a comprehensive and integrated research system. Our focus this month is to share information with researchers and administrators on the functionality offered within the ACUC module, provide forums for addressing questions/concerns, and provide opportunities for users to gain the knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the new system.

December 2018 Project Update

As previously announced, the first module to go live as part of the RAMP Project (Huron Research Suite) will be the ACUC Module. The system has been tested and is functioning as designed. The module is on schedule to go live on the anticipated date of January 31, 2019.

November 2018 Project Update

Huron Research Suite Transitions to “RAMP” - We are excited to announce that our research system has been re-branded with a new name specifically for FSU. Project team members from across campus submitted and voted on creative name ideas and ultimately selected RAMP, which stands for “Research Administration Management Portal”. A project website has been developed to share pertinent information with the research community as we navigate through different phases of the project. The website will be the central source of information about the project and updates will continue to be provided within the Research Newsletter. On this site, you can find general information, project governance, the implementation timeline and announcements. Frequently asked questions will also be posted to the project website in the near future for your convenience.

October 2018 Project Update

The project is progressing well and is on schedule. The Discovery and Planning phase is complete. This phase involved project team members viewing demonstrations of the new system modules, evaluating their current business processes, and providing feedback to aid in the design of our comprehensive research system. These meetings provided the information necessary for developing the project plan. Notable accomplishments from the work performed thus far are the completion of a project charter to guide us on the work ahead, detailed project deliverables, and the implementation timeline for each module.