ACUC Module Slated to Go Live in January
As previously announced, the first module to go live as part of the RAMP Project (Huron Research Suite) will be the ACUC Module. The system has been tested and is functioning as designed. The module is on schedule to go live on the anticipated date of January 31, 2019.
The system testing occurred during November and early December. Twelve testing sessions were offered at multiple locations on campus for Principal Investigators to test drive the system and provide feedback. Also, the project team conducted testing with the ACUC Committee to gather their comments and address questions on business processes. The ACUC core team completed their testing of the system as well to ensure the requirements identified in the discovery phase were properly configured within the module by Huron. Feedback from all groups was recorded throughout the testing process and this information will aid the ACUC in designing training that is suitable to meet the needs of end users.
Once implemented, Principal Investigators, or their proxies, will be required to submit all new protocols and triennial submissions through RAMP. Any amendments to active paper protocols will continue to be managed through the current process until the protocols expire (to minimize the effort required of FSU researchers). All protocols will be transitioned to RAMP no later than January 31, 2022.
Communication through faculty meetings and other campus meetings will occur in January to provide relevant details about the ACUC module. Training sessions on the new system will be scheduled for the core team, committee and ancillary reviewers to ensure they are comfortable in navigating through the module for protocol workflow and review. Training for PIs and proxies will be discussed soon and we will share this information with campus once the curriculum and timing is finalized.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of us.
Kerry Peluso, Assistant Vice President for Research Administration and Finance
(850) 644 – 8664
Angie Rowe, Project Manager, Office of Research
(850) 644-8659