Welcome to the Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP)
RAMP is a comprehensive system for managing multiple research and sponsored project-related administrative tasks at Florida State University. These tasks include but are not limited to, the routing, review, and submission of grant proposals, management of ACUC and IRB protocols, the negotiation of contracts, requests for and issuance of subcontracts, and export control functions. RAMP allows FSU researchers and administrators to manage multiple grant and contract-related tasks in one system.
Ramp Workshop Announcement
We are pleased to announce a new RAMP tutorial process focused on providing custom workshops designed around users’ specific needs.
Workshop content and length will be constructed based on user’s specific questions and can be delivered via Zoom or Teams. Workshops can be structured to assist individuals one-on-one or in group settings for research teams or full departments.
In addition, we will now also offer RAMP Refreshers for PIs who submit proposals intermittently.
Training topics covered in the past that users may find useful for workshop planning include:
- Proposal and SF424 Creation
- Budget Entry & CostShare
- Collaboration Proposal & SF424 Submissions
- Award Review & Completion
- Department Approver Functionality
- Creating/Requesting Award Modifications
We are here to provide support to all RAMP users, so if there are topics or functions you do not see listed above that you wish to learn more about, please let us know.
Submit your workshop scheduling request and any feedback via email to RAMP-Grants@fsu.edu.

Contact Us
This website will serve as a centralized resource for you to obtain project updates and view pertinent information related to the implementation of the various modules. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of us.
RAMP Help Desk
Grants: RSCH-RAMP-Grants@fsu.edu
Export Controls: RSCH-RAMP-ExportControls@fsu.edu
Agreements: RSCH-RAMP-Agreements@fsu.edu
Dan Mullins
RAMP Support Director, Office of Vice President for Research
Susanne Stamm
Business System Analyst